Over the weekend I managed to integrate my recent server changes onto the Linux box and get it up and running with the iPhone simulator. That means it should just be a short step to a configurable system running on the real hardware.
I also started looking at the other things needed to get the system up and running in a basic form and the main part of the puzzle missing is a Status engine.
The Status engine remembers the state of various parts of the system it is controlling so, for instance, if you set the TV to external input and the amplifier to DVD, the status engine remembers this and won't set these settings again. This then allows activity based control where you tell the system that you want to watch a DVD rather than selecting the inputs on the different devices manually. It also allows control of things such as Sky TV guide where the controls have different functions depending upon which menu you're in. Initially I intend to use this only in a basic way and then experiment with how far it can take the system.
The final part of the initial system will be the sequencer, which allows a single button press to initiate a number of commands.
I hope to get both the Status engine and sequencer working this week and then perform some testing at the weekend.
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