Monday, August 22, 2011


Finally, some good progress to report.
The Status engine is up and running on the server simulator, as is the sequencer. I managed to spend a good bit of time over the weekend working to complete these and also started one other item that I'd forgotten about, namely the channel selector.
I had some rudimentary ideas about how the TV channel was going to be selected but after spending nearly an hour going through all the Sky channels and mapping channel numbers to names, it seemed that the only sensible way to do this was going to be in a list and use a Picker to select the channel. Because there are so many channels, I'll arrange them into groups and use a split Picker control on the iPhone to select first the category and then the channel.
I managed to dig out some sample code from my days of learning from the iPhone book and have got the appropriate Picker view up and running. I also have an XML file listing the channel names, numbers and categories.
Next step is to update the server simulator to serve the channels file and the iPhone app to consume it and link it into the Picker. I then need to decide how to drive the commands to change the channel (since it requires a sequence of button presses) and how to store the selected channel.
I have some time off work this week and hope to spend some of it doing this and also getting the new code running on the real server hardware. Then I'd like to run some actual live tests and see how the system hangs together in use.

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