Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Dawn of a New Age

A few days off work has done great things for Elmo.
There was more work left to do than I realised, and lots of small details that all needed to come together to make everything work.
Having got the code support complete, I also had to set up the configuration files to link the IR up with the user interface on the phone. Quite a tedious process but straightforward.
Elmo is now resplendent in the living room and is controlling the AV kit including the amplifier, TV, Bluray and Sky box. I am generally quite pleased with the results and the way the system functions in real life. I have found the angle of the transmitter dongle is quite critical - it seems to have a narrow angle of transmission - and also that reliability suffers when the sun is shining through the window - only to be expected, I guess.
The final insult was that my Provisioning certificate for my development iPhone had expired. This wasn't immediately obvious and I searched high and low for the reason my software wouldn't deploy to the phone before noticing this. It was easy to regenerate the certificate and then everything worked straight away.
I now plan to leave Elmo in-situ and get a real feel for what works well and what doesn't and alsonwhat problems come up - there's nothing like using a system in earnest to shake out all the bugs.
It's very good news, though, because after all the work and setbacks, the system that I envisaged nearly 2 years ago is now a reality.

1 comment:

  1. Well done. I'm sure the tantrums will subside and the 'user error' rectified. Perhaps some superglue?
