Finally had some time to spend on Elmo and after a fair bit of fiddling have got LIRC working. There seems to be something a bit odd about the GPIO pin configuration for the receiver and transmitter, but I eventually managed to find a combination that would work and I can now successfully, and consistently, read codes from an IR remote control
Transmitting has proved a little more problematic. I can get my normal LEDs to work straight from the GPIO pins, but the IR transmitters won't work (you can't see the IR they give out with the naked eye, but you can use a phone camera to see the pulses). I believe the devices need too high a current.
This is something I foresaw and so got some transistors, however I didn't get the correct resistors and I don't want to risk overloading the Pi, so I'll hold off until I've had chance to get some more resistors
In the meantime, I've also set up a technical blog - mostly for my own use because otherwise I tend to lose the scraps of paper I jot things on.
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